İŞKUR Youth Program applications were determined by a notary draw

20 Şubat 2025 Perşembe

İŞKUR Youth Program applications, which will provide workforce experience and income support to students studying at state universities, were held between February 10-14, 2025. A total of 4,797 students, including vocational school students, applied to the 1,017 quotas allocated for our students studying at our university. The 1,017 quotas in the program, which attracted great interest, were determined by a notary draw. Among the students whose names were determined in the draw, those who meet the application requirements for the İŞKUR Youth Program will be employed.

The draw was carried out by Notary Hayri Demir from the 6th Notary Office of Bolu. Among the 4145 students who applied to the İŞKUR Youth Program from the faculties and colleges in the central Gölköy Campus, 877, among the 314 students who applied from Gerede Faculty of Applied Sciences and Gerede Vocational School, 40, among the 141 students who applied from Mengen Vocational School, 20, among the 94 students who applied from Seben İzzet Baysal Vocational School, 20, among the 60 students who applied from Mudurnu Süreyya Astarcı Vocational School, and 20, among the 43 students who applied from Yeniçağa Yaşar Çelik Vocational School, were determined by drawing lots.

The program held in the İzzet Baysal Cultural Center Blue Hall was attended by Secretary General İhsan Ağcan, Deputy Secretary General Nihani Yıldırım, Bolu İŞKUR Branch Manager Gülseren Savaş Çetinkaya, department heads, İŞKUR Job and Vocational Counselors and students.

The İŞKUR Youth Program was attended by; T.R. nationals, 18 years of age or older, with an income of less than 3 minimum wages (retired, disabled, widowed and orphaned salaries are considered household income), who have not worked in an insured job for the last 1 month, and who are in formal education, can participate. Students whose residence address is a dormitory are exempt from the household income requirement.

İŞKUR Youth Program Lottery Results

The lottery procedures for the 1017-person quota given to our University students within the scope of the İŞKUR Youth Program in cooperation with our University (BAİBÜ) and Bolu İŞKUR were carried out in the presence of a notary.

To access the notarized draw results held in six different categories within our university:

Gölköy-Central Campuses (877 People),

Gerede Campus (40 People)

Mengen Campus (40 People)

Mudurnu Campus (20 People)

Yeniçağa Campus (20 People)

Seben Campus (20 People);

Click for those who are entitled to work at Gölköy-Central Campuses.

Click for those who are entitled to work at Gerede Campus.

Click for those who are entitled to work at Mengen Campus.

Click for those who are entitled to work at Mudurnu Campus.

Click for those who are entitled to work at Yeniçağa Campus.

Click for those who are entitled to work at Seben Campus.

Within the scope of İŞKUR Youth Program, “Students who are entitled to work” will make their applications online between February 21-25 through the application link that we will announce on February 21.

Note. The application documents of students who are eligible to work in the notary draw within the scope of the İŞ-KUR Youth Program will be reviewed and students who meet the application requirements after the review will start working within the scope of the program.